Just For Fun

Friday Finds

Yeah I know I’ve been slacking on the FF’s but geez people. I have a life okay?!
That last statement may come into question after you check out the internet goodness I’ve been stockpiling.

Why wait to throw my reputation into question. Are you a star wars fan? A zelda fan? This is for you.

If you can’t be a superhero, you can sure try to DIY yourself into one.

Do you need to pick up some hot guys at your local taco bell or burger king?

So do you like using firefox with single or multiple tabs?

Oh man I never get tired of memes. Check out Lame Pun Coon, and the rest of his lame but totally hilarious (at least to me) puns.


They say money doesn’t grow on trees but I didn’t really expect these to either.

Sometimes you’re so talented the media doesn’t matter.

And I love me a racist joke now and then.

I’m starting to rethink wanting to work for an “innovative” new startup.

And that’s it for this week’s FF’s.
See you all next week. If I don’t get lazy. Again. :)



I met Patrick at Julea’s wedding after what must be years since we’ spoke. He’s still cool, as evidenced by this photo.


SOMEONE please make this a meme. :D



I’ve noticed that  square photographs have become popularized the past couple of years. I love taking square photos. Something about how the rule of thirds is almost too easy to manage while allowing greater freedom than a long-short edge photo might have something to do with it. ‘


Add a little elegant black and white post-processing and I am in love.


Black and white can capture form and visual beauty in a way that’s distinctly different from color. I feel calmer looking at black and whites and my eyes move more easily over the photo.


It can also give character to a color photo that just didn’t belong in color. This photo retains it’s grace without losing itself to the environement. The grain that’s revealed when processing the blacks and whites using certain color filters gives the photo a little character too.

I think I’m happy with this final rendition now. :)

Got any favorite photos in black and white?



My friend Julea got married this weekend and she had these cute gems scattered all over her reception tables.


I love the fine details that you can have fun with in wedding receptions.


The now Mrs. Duke is on her honeymoon!



There was a pretty sizable storm last night pummeling my windows with hail and rain. This morning, since the storm front is gone, the weather cooled off again.  Ah, Georgia weather.  So random!


I’ve noticed all the spindly little moss reaching to spread their spores everywhere.  The onset of spring is a good time to discover some of the wonderful ways the living world around us spreads during this season.



Flash Point

I reconnected with one of my old high school classmates this weekend at a wedding. He designs board games and he is amazing at it! In high school, a group of us would play his card game ‘Totem’ in the morning before class and it never got old.   I invited him a couple of friends over to play one of his latest games, Flash Point at my house.



I mean… look at it. It’s totally pro. Also It’s a ton of fun! His games have a very different edge to it and I love that they’re fun to play AND thought intriguing.  Check out his game and buy it here. It’s gotten 5 stars from everyone that’s played it so far!


Lavender Filter

It’s kinda hard to work with a Lavender filter.



I’m loving the dreamy look a lavender wash can give a photo but I’m definitely having a problem with getting my eyes to like it on this piece. Photography for me has a lot to do with what the image evokes within me more than how well I’ve applied technique and composition. That kind of focus has helped me bend the rules that photography books try and ingrain in you and come up with some good images that are a little out of the box. I’m really not feeling this photo.

Are you?